LATEST NEWS: Big changes at the shelter!

Tim James has volunteered to work alongside Keith in running the shelter, giving Keith a much-deserved break from many of the day-to-day duties. We will now be open for overnight stays at reduced capacity throughout the year.

Overnight stays are now available for 36 people each night on a first-come, first-served basis. Clients can arrive at 5 pm to see if there’s an available cot, and if so, register their name, I.D., and contact info. Once on the list, they may continue to have that spot, if they follow the Code of Conduct and return and sign in each night. Dinner is served at 6:30 for anyone who comes in, but only the 36 registered people will be able to stay; all others must leave the property by 10 pm.

Doors open again at 7 am to the public for morning warmup and breakfast, and all clients must leave the property while the shelter is closed from 11 am to 5 pm.

Would you like to volunteer with the shelter? Here’s our volunteer form.

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